Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Things are getting busy at REGI...

Things are picking up here at REGI. We have received our first baby bird of the year, a three week old Great Horned Owl baby! This owl may be our first baby, but he definitely will not be our last. As the weather gets nicer, more people will be outside finding not only baby birds, but injured birds as well. Our clinic is full of new patients that have arrived in the last couple of weeks.

There are many ways you can help REGI during this busy time. One way is to check out our wishlists. We have a baby shower wish list, a patient wish list, and most recently an education wish list to help supply our future classroom (more details coming soon!).

Another way to help is to sign up to be a volunteer transporter or just come on down and volunteer at REGI. We are always in need of landscapers and gardeners to help get our facility ready for summer and tours.

Below you will find a video of our little owl eating a mouse. The video is dark because we keep a sheet covering the enclosure so the owlet does not see people. Our foster dad is sitting above him on a perch keeping watch.

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