Tuesday, May 18, 2010

American Kestrel with a Wing Fracture Admitted, Lots of Patient Updates, UWSP Continuing Education LIFE Tour,

It has been another busy day. I have a feeling that will be our daily mantra until fall.

( Photo: This adult male American Kestrel was admitted from Mead Wildlife Area with a wing fracture.)

We admitted a beautiful American Kestrel with a wing fracture. He was also very low in weight. That usually means he broke his wing at least a few days before he was rescued. He'd been without food for that period of time. Wildlife lives on a narrow margin. Everything has to be perfect for them to survive. The good news is that since he was admitted, he has gained 20 grams. We expect he will make a full recovery and be able to get back home and back to the business of having a family.

( Photo: Our passerine ( songbird) incubators now contain 22 babies. Gratefully, all continue to thrive and grow including the tiny robins from a few days ago.)

( Photo: Some of our newest patients sharing a common nursery bowl in the incubator. they are House Finches and American Robins.)

Passerine nestlings continue to come in. I wish they had all been discovered in an accident or storm which took their nest down. I say I wish, because sadly this week we have had many come into rehab by landowners or renters who found the nest annoying and just HAD to take it down. It was only later they found themselves with nests of needy baby birds. All of these birds are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. It is against federal law to tamper with or destroy a nest, eggs or young of native wild birds. Many people seem unaware all indigenous birds, with the exception of House Sparrows and European Starlings (both are from Europe), are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. This might be a good topic for a blog someday when I have time.

( Photo: Alberta examines the Broad-winged Hawk admitted two weeks ago with a wing fracture.)

The Broad-winged Hawk admitted two weeks ago has healed beautifully. Birds' bones are hollow and therefore heal more quickly than those of mammals. Today his wrap came off, and he was put into a small flight to begin his physical therapy looking toward release. Patients are first put in small flights and then in a few days he will go to a larger flight where he will be able to fully regain his muscle strength. Broad-winged Hawks are all business and have zero sense of humor. You can see from his expression he wishes he was anywhere but in rehab.

( Photo: The Broad-winged Hawk as Alberta released him to the recovery flight.)

( Photo: The UWSP LIFE Group ( Learning is Forever) toured REGI with plenty of umbrellas and enthusiasm during a heavy rainstorm. Notice our smiling albeit wet staff and birds (rt.) were excited with this terrific group as well. )

We had a wonderful tour the other day with the LIFE group from Stevens Point. The group is a UWSP Continuing Education Program, UWSP LIFE (Learning Is ForEver).
The day was less than perfect for a tour, but the hardy souls decided to brave the rain to see the birds and REGI. What troupers! The weather was nothing a bevy of bumbershoots couldn't fix. Thanks, everyone, for your patience and enthusiasm even on a wet day.

( Photo: Education Director Steve Fisher, with our Golden Eagle, braves the rain. )

Off to feed nestling passerine babies again. It is a full-time-job-plus. We are in serious need of volunteers to help with repairs on the facility and SO many other things. Please call if you have some time to offer. 715-623-4015 (clinic)

Have a wonderful tomorrow everyone.

Marge Gibson © 2010

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