Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring Time and Patients on the Mend!

It seems as though springtime has snuck up on us, and a little bit early to be honest. But both the REGI staff and the birds are enjoying it immensely.

We have quite a few birds who stay indoors for the winter, since they would typically have headed south during the cold season. We have been taking advantage of these warm temperatures and beautiful sunshine to bring them outdoors for a bit.

Photos above: One of our educational Turkey Vultures enjoys her perch on the fence. In the bottom photo you can see her displaying a very typical vulture behavior. They open up their wings to soak up the suns rays. It's like having your very own solar panel! And it helps them to bake off any nasty parasites that might try to make their feathers a home.

Photo above: Alberta, rehabilitator, takes of some of the weatherizing plastic off of a mew(bird enclosure). We here in Wisconsin know that winter may rear it's head again, but the less sensitive birds no longer need the extra thermal protection that the plastic wrap gives them.

Spring time is full of releases! We are preparing for release of a few of our patients currently.

Photo above: The little male Saw-whet Owl that you read about a couple of blogs back has graduated to a flight with other Saw-whets to prepare for release. He is much stronger than when he came in with pneumonia and internal bleeding just two weeks ago. He was flying all over the place when I stopped in to snap this photo. It won't be long before he is back where he belongs, in the wild!

Today is a big day for the Common Raven who came in to REGI in late fall with Avian Pox. It has been a slow healing process, but after lengthy supportive care and treatment he is ready for release. The raven was found and brought in by Bob Konopacky. Today Bob came to drive the raven back to his original territory.

Photos above: Rehabilitator, Katie Farvour, and Bob Conopacky get the raven all set up for his travel back home. The Common Raven patient, in his travel box, is all ready to go.

Photo above: This Red Crossbill came in over the winter hit by a car. After spending time in the indoor aviary during the most crucial healing time he has moved to the outdoor aviary, built for songbirds, to get those wings ready for release. In a few days he will be free to make a big migration and head back to the Arctic for the summer.

Happy early spring everyone!

Molly McKay
Director of Education

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